Matte Boxes and Filter Trays
CineSmart MB-45H

CineSmart MB-45H
A 2-stage "clip-on only" matte box with a unqiue and well-designed adapter ring system. Unit accepts 4x4, 4x5.650 and 5.65x5.65 filters.
Chrosziel MB-840

Chrosziel MB-840
A versatile and well designed 2-or-3 stage matte box with clip-on and 15mm rod- support with swing-away capability. Unit provides greater flexability for 5.65x5.65 graduated and attenuated filters. Accepts 4x5.650, 5x5, 5.65x5.65, and 138mm filters.
Chrosziel MB-412

Chrosziel MB-412
A 2-stage "only" light-weight-but-sturdy matte box with clip-on capability and access to a 15mm rod-support system. Optional swing-away mechanism available.
Unit is excellent for fast-pace news and documentary shoots. A true 16x9 format for
Canon and Fujinon wide lenses. Accepts 4x4, 4x5.650, 5x5, and 5.65x5.65 filters.
Chrosziel MB-456

Chrosziel MB-456 "Academy"
A 3-stage compact matte box, designed for 15mm rod-support system.
All 3 stages rotate indepentently. Accepts 4x4, 4x5.650, 5x5, and 5.65x5.65 filters.
This unit features two types of adapters: conventional screw-on and threaded flexible rubber.
Chrosziel MB-415

Vocas MB-450

Vocas MB-450
A 4-stage "one-of-a-kind" matte box. Specifically designed for 15mm rod-support systems, the unit features a smooth swing-away mechanism and a unique "tilt-up" filter tray that permits the cameraman to eliminate glare or extraneous light entering the lens.
The Vocas MB-450 provides a range of filter trays covering all coventional sizes : 4x4, 4.5x4.5, 4x5.650 (vertical & horizontal), 5.65x5.65, and 138mm.
Vocas MB-350

Vocas MB-350
A 4-stage compact matte box with access to 4x4 and 4x5.650 filters.
The unit is designed for 15mm rod-support.

Chrosziel MB-415
A 3-stage matte box designed for a 15mm rod-support system. The unit is a true 16x9 format and is a preferred choice for Canon and Fujinon wide broadcast lenses. Accepts 4x4, 4x5.650, 5x5, 5.65x5.65, and 138mm filters.