The single-element holder includes a 138mm rubber-bellows module with a 110mm lens-barrel opening, which conveniently connects to an assortment of popular Chrosziel adapter rings.
Schneider "Achromatic" Diopters with "Threaded" Holding Rings
Schneider Achromatic Diopters provide sharp close-up images without any hromatic distortion, while delivering consistent in-focus subject matter during the zooming process. They are availabe in 138mm and 4.5". The Filter Gallery offers a no-nonsense threaded ring that enables the achromat to be securely fastend to the mounting system.
Multi-image Lens Attachments

Kamio Ring Light
The ability to capture flattering head shots with a
a combination unit : soft-ring light and a two-stage matte box
Rain Deflectors

The world's first gun-and-go rain deflector for capturing sharp images during inclement weather conditions. The SpinTec is ideal for electronic news gathering, commericals, and various out-door sporting events such as deep-sea fishing, sailboat racing , and surf board competition.

The SpinTec Rain Defletcor offers a 105mm lens-opening bracket that includes a 15mm adjustable rod-support component, both of which help to steady the unit to the camera body while reducing any stress on the lens.
SCHULZ "Spray-Off"
The Spray-off rain deflector is uniquely designed for use with popular matte boxes. It enables the camera professional to conveniently combine the rain deflector with other filters.